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Katherine Butler-Dines

Get to know Katherine, our VP of Revenue at LK Tech. Discover her passion for serving customers, aligning IT with business growth, and her favorite Cincinnati spot. Plus, learn about her culinary adventures with Butternut Squash.

Meet the LK Tech Team: Katherine

  • Name: Katherine Butler-Dines
  • Role: VP of Revenue
  • When did you join? 2023
  • What are your favorite parts of the job? Finding new ways to serve our customers. I love working with both existing customers and potential ones to identify their needs and ensure that LK Tech can deploy proactive solutions for them. I love our team and our dedication to partnering with customers to help them grow their businesses. I believe IT doesn’t just have to be a cost center. It can be a value driver for SMBs. Our team at LK Tech is excellent at aligning IT services with a company's larger strategy, helping them grow more efficiently.
  • What's your favorite thing to do in the Cincinnati region? The Cincinnati Zoo is special. I’ve always loved hippos so getting to see Fiona and Fritz grow up is fun.
  • How do you spend your time outside of LK Tech? I love to cook, and this month, I’ve gotten into different ways to use Butternut Squash, including in perogies, gnocchi, salads, and whipped up as an alternative to mashed potatoes.

IT Services In Cincinnati

Meet The Entire LK Technologies Team

Get to know Katherine, our VP of Revenue at LK Tech. Discover her passion for serving customers, aligning IT with business growth, and her favorite Cincinnati spot. Plus, learn about her culinary adventures with Butternut Squash.

Dan Leal
Dan Leal

Discover the expertise of Dan Leal, Senior Network Administrator at LK Tech, as he navigates the complexities of network management and technology innovation.

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Katherine Butler-Dines
Katherine Butler-Dines

Get to know Katherine, our VP of Revenue at LK Tech. Discover her passion for serving customers, aligning IT with business growth, and her favorite Cincinnati spot. Plus, learn about her culinary adventures with Butternut Squash.

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