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Security Operations Center (SOC) Services Providers in Cincinnati

It only takes a moment — a less-than-secure password, a single click on the wrong website — and your company’s security can be compromised.

Fully Managed Cincinnati Security Operations Center (SOC) Services Providers in Cincinnati

At LK Tech our managed security solution provides your business with an outsourced security operations center (SOC). Staffed with our professional security specialists, we’ll efficiently oversee your critical infrastructure in real-time, enabling you to operate at a high level of security maturity to defend against cyber threats at all times.We will configure and deploy our tools to ensure that your information systems are actively monitored, regularly assessed, and aggressively defended. Our protective network covers entire data centers, networks, application and database servers, desktops, and other endpoints.

Managed Security (SOC) Services in Cincinnati

Our SOC services look like:

An overview assessment

1. An overview assessment that utilizes our standard rating framework to identify controls, processes, policies and capabilities within your environment. We will also work with you to address identified vulnerabilities and risks, while also providing a roadmap to reducing your cyber risk profile.

Rapid response in the event of a security incident

3. Rapid response in the event of a security incident. Our SOC’s speedy response minimizes downtime and puts your systems back online quickly, which will reduce the impact of an incident on your operations. Our team also provides direction on navigating reporting obligations as well as ongoing support to improve your security environment and structure.

Continuous monitoring and regular vulnerability scans

2. Continuous monitoring and regular vulnerability scans provide you with valuable insights on which security infrastructure may be targeted by attackers and how to remediate the risks.


4. Compliance: A SOC can help to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements such as NIST CSF, NIST 800-171, CMMC and the CIS Critical Controls. Compliance minimizes the risk of fines or other penalties and provides peace of mind that the organization is adhering to industry best practices.

LK Tech’s SOC gives your organization the resources needed to respond to incidents swiftly and resolve them effectively.

Your in-house IT team can focus on what they do best, fostering innovation and driving your business forward, while the cybersecurity specialists ensure the digital fort remains impregnable.
Reach out today to get started with managed security services.

Secure Your Organization with LK Tech’s SOC.

LK Tech ensures consistent, dedicated focus on the bigger IT picture. Learn more by filling out the form below.

Note! LK Tech guarantees to keep your confidential contact information secure and protected. We will never give it out to anyone.
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