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Maximizing SaaS with Managed Services: A Complete Guide

Leveraging Managed Services to Get the Most Out of Your SaaS Solutions Software-as-a-service (SaaS) solutions offer many benefits - scalability, flexibility, and reduced upfront costs. […]

Leveraging Managed Services to Get the Most Out of Your SaaS Solutions

Maximizing SaaS with Managed Services: A Complete Guide

Maximizing SaaS with Managed Services: A Complete Guide

Software-as-a-service (SaaS) solutions offer many benefits - scalability, flexibility, and reduced upfront costs. However, realizing the full potential of SaaS requires expertise that many organizations lack. This is where Managed Service Providers (MSPs) come in. Partnering with an MSP allows you to maximize value from SaaS while minimizing headaches.

The Complexities of SaaS Adoption

Deploying Software-as-a-service solutions like Salesforce or Office 365 often involves significant data migration, integration with other systems, and end-user training. Without proper knowledge transfer and change management, employees won't use the new tools effectively. MSPs have specialized expertise to ensure smooth deployments and drive user adoption.

For example, when rolling out a new CRM platform, an MSP can help migrate customer data, establish integrations with billing and email systems, and deliver customized training tailored to different user roles like sales, marketing and customer service. They understand change is difficult in organizations and help manage the human side of technology transitions.

Software-as-a-service licensing can also get complicated quickly as your usage scales. MSPs help select appropriate licensing tiers aligned to your growth. They also consolidate support costs instead of paying for fragmented technical assistance from various vendors. This simplifies budgeting and provides a single point of contact for all your SaaS platforms.

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MSPs Connect the Dots

The average organization uses dozens of SaaS applications, ranging from CRM to project management and more. Making these disparate solutions work together is key, but also challenging. MSPs integrate SaaS with on-prem infrastructure and stitch together workflows across systems.

For example, they can connect your on-premises accounting system to an expense management SaaS tool. When an employee submits an expense report online, it automatically flows into your general ledger, rather than requiring manual re-entry. MSPs also set up single sign-on, so users only need one password to access all integrated apps.

Objective Guidance

With new SaaS solutions constantly emerging, it can be hard to determine what's best for your business. MSPs take an agnostic approach to recommend platforms that truly suit your needs, not just the solution they happen to offer.

For example, if you are looking for a new e-commerce platform, an MSP will evaluate your requirements, growth goals, and budget. They will then suggest two to three options, outlining the pros and cons of each. This prevents you from getting locked into a single vendor's solutions when better alternatives may exist.

Bolstering Security

SaaS introduces third-party risk that needs vigilant monitoring. MSPs provide 24/7 oversight across all your SaaS and on-prem environments. If they detect a compromised account or anomalous activity, they can respond swiftly.

For example, automated threat detection can identify login attempts from suspicious locations and trigger multifactor authentication as a precaution. Artificial intelligence models can also detect behavior that deviates from normal patterns, such as unusually large data transfers that could indicate exfiltration.

Long-Term Adaptability

Technology needs change. MSPs give you the flexibility to pivot as needed. If you outgrow a SaaS platform or want to try a new one, they facilitate the transition while maintaining the continuity of services.

For example, if your sales team has expanded significantly, an MSP can migrate you to the next level of the Salesforce license tier without disruption. Or if you want to test a new virtual meeting platform, they can run it in parallel to your existing SaaS while evaluating whether to fully switch over.

More Than Just SaaS Support

MSPs also deliver complementary services like:

  • Cloud backups and migrations
  • IT hardware/software procurement
  • Network design
  • And more

This comprehensive approach optimizes your broader IT infrastructure. For example, they can revamp internal networks to support faster cloud connectivity and build higher availability into on-premises systems to complement SaaS uptime. MSPs become an integrated part of your technology environment rather than just piecemeal vendors.

For organizations adopting SaaS, partnering with an MSP unlocks maximum ROI while minimizing headaches. MSPs make SaaS work for you instead of the other way around. Contact us to learn more about our  managed IT services.

Key Considerations When Selecting an MSP

With the benefits of partnering with an MSP clear, it's important to choose the right provider for your organization. Here are some key evaluation criteria:

  • Expertise across multiple SaaS platforms: Look for experience with the major solutions you plan to deploy like Office 365, Salesforce, Workday, etc.
  • Technical capabilities: Can they address complex integrations, custom development, and migrations? What certifications do their engineers hold?
  • Industry specialization: Have they successfully served clients in your specific vertical? Different business models have unique requirements.
  • Proactive services: Will they monitor, optimize, and make recommendations or just respond when things break?
  • Customer support: Is support 24/7 or only during business hours? How quickly do they resolve issues?
  • Reporting: Can they provide dashboards and metrics demonstrating the value they provide? Success should be measurable.
  • Cost structure: Is pricing transparent and aligned to business outcomes vs just ticketing time and volume?

Thoroughly vetting MSPs on these criteria ensures you select the right partner for the long haul.


SaaS solutions enable agility, scalability, and reduced costs. However, realizing their full potential requires expertise many organizations lack. Partnering with a skilled MSP provides:

  • Smooth SaaS deployments and change management
  • Integrations across platforms
  • Security and compliance oversight
  • Ongoing license optimization
  • Technology roadmap guidance

This allows you to maximize your SaaS ROI while letting the experts handle the complexity behind the scenes. MSPs empower your business to move fast without headaches. Reach out today to learn more about our managed services.

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