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Modernize Your Business with Infrastructure as a Service

Modernizing Your Business Infrastructure with Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) As businesses increasingly rely on technology and the Internet to operate efficiently, their infrastructure needs […]

Modernizing Your Business Infrastructure with Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

As businesses increasingly rely on technology and the Internet to operate efficiently, their infrastructure needs are also evolving. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) offers an innovative solution to keep your business infrastructure flexible, resilient, and cost-effective. In this article, we'll explore:

  • What is Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
  • Key benefits of IaaS for businesses
  • Potential challenges to consider with adopting IaaS
  • Tips for successful implementation

Equipped with this information, you can determine if IaaS is the right choice to modernize your business infrastructure.

Modernize Your Business with Infrastructure as a Service

Modernize Your Business with Infrastructure as a Service

What is Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)?

IaaS is a form of cloud computing that provides businesses with computing resources like servers, storage, and networking on-demand through the Internet. With IaaS, businesses can utilize these resources without having to purchase and maintain physical hardware.

Some key advantages of Infrastructure as a Service include:

  • Cost savings compared to on-premises infrastructure
  • Ability to scale resources up or down as needed
  • Faster deployment of resources and applications
  • Increased resilience and security
  • Flexibility to experiment and test new ideas

IaaS enables businesses to be agile and focus on core competencies rather than managing IT infrastructure. Popular use cases include spinning up resources to develop or test applications quickly. Overall, IaaS empowers businesses to innovate and grow without large upfront investments.

How IaaS Works

With IaaS, businesses rent IT infrastructure from a cloud provider on a pay-as-you-go basis. The cloud provider owns and maintains the physical infrastructure and data centers, while businesses access resources virtually. This eliminates the need for businesses to purchase and manage their own servers, storage, and networking hardware.

Some examples of IaaS services include:

  • Compute - On-demand access to virtual machines, containers, serverless computing, etc.
  • Storage - Object storage, block storage, archive storage, etc.
  • Networking - Virtual networks, load balancers, IP addresses, firewalls, etc.
  • Databases - Managed relational and NoSQL databases.
  • Analytics - Big data analytics, data lakes, and data warehousing.

The cloud provider handles infrastructure maintenance, patching, resiliency, and security controls. Businesses have flexibility in how they configure and manage these rented resources via dashboards and APIs.

This on-demand model allows businesses to deploy infrastructure faster, scale seamlessly, and avoid large capital expenditures. The level of administrative control can vary across providers. Overall, Infrastructure as a Service enables businesses to focus less on infrastructure management and more on driving innovation.

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Maximizing the Benefits of IaaS

When leveraged strategically, Infrastructure as a Service offers businesses several important benefits:

Cost Savings

IaaS can substantially reduce infrastructure expenses in several ways:

  • No upfront costs for purchasing physical servers, storage, and networking appliances.
  • Ability to pay only for the resources used via pay-as-you-go pricing.
  • Savings on data center space, electricity, and cooling.
  • Reduced IT staffing costs to maintain infrastructure.

With IaaS, businesses convert fixed costs into variable costs aligned with actual usage. By optimizing workloads and using auto-scaling, right-sizing, reservations, and spot instances, businesses can maximize cost savings. Monitoring usage and spending is critical for cost governance.


One of the biggest benefits of IaaS is the ability to easily scale computing resources up or down based on demand. This scalability provides:

  • Flexibility to acquire more resources for seasonal peaks or growth spikes.
  • Agility to develop and test applications faster.
  • Resilience by redistributing workloads across resources.

Auto-scaling tools allow businesses to define rules to automatically scale resources according to utilization metrics. This enables seamless scaling to handle workload fluctuations.

Business Continuity

By leveraging cloud infrastructure, businesses can minimize downtime and ensure continuity:

  • Data is resiliently stored across distributed data centers.
  • Applications can be load-balanced across multiple servers.
  • Traffic can be shifted from one region to another in an outage.
  • Employees can access systems remotely via the Internet.

These capabilities maximize system availability and allow employees to stay productive when working remotely.


IaaS accelerates innovation by enabling faster development of new initiatives:

  • Resources can be spun up quickly to develop or test applications.
  • Built-in automation capabilities streamline infrastructure management.
  • A flexible pay-as-you-go model means no large upfront investment is needed.

This agility allows businesses to experiment more and get new offerings to market faster. DevOps and infrastructure-as-code approaches are easier to implement on Infrastructure as a Service.

However, to maximize these benefits, businesses should closely monitor usage and spending. Cost optimization and governance practices are key to ensuring the most value.

Navigating the Challenges of Adopting Infrastructure as a Service

While impactful, migrating business infrastructure to the cloud comes with some challenges to navigate:

Pricing Complexity

IaaS pricing can seem complicated with myriad service tiers, custom configs, add-ons, and varying discounting. Key pricing risks include:

  • Unanticipated overages from exceeding usage quotas or improper rightsizing.
  • Getting locked into suboptimal instance types.
  • Overpaying due to lack of visibility into unused resources or options.

Careful monitoring, governance, and optimization are crucial to managing costs with IaaS.

Varying Provider Capabilities

All IaaS providers are not equal when it comes to features, flexibility, transparency, and support. Some key considerations:

  • API capabilities and integrations with other tools.
  • Monitoring and cost analytics were provided.
  • Workload migration and hybrid cloud options are offered.
  • Level of customer support and managed services.

Thoroughly evaluating providers is important to ensure the right fit.

Security and Compliance

While IaaS providers offer robust physical and infrastructure security, businesses retain responsibility for configuring platforms and workloads securely. Some key aspects:

  • Understanding the shared responsibility model and provider security controls.
  • Configuring access controls, encryption, security monitoring, and compliance properly.
  • Ensuring provider capabilities meet internal policies and industry regulations.

Migration Complexity

Migrating existing infrastructure and applications to the cloud can be challenging depending on scale, legacy technology constraints, data gravity, and organizational change management. Meticulous planning is required to:

  • Assess application dependencies and interoperability with cloud-native services.
  • Account for potential re-platforming or refactoring required.
  • Develop data migration strategies.
  • Test performance and interoperability.
  • Provide training and support for staff adoption.

Loss of Control

While IaaS provides more control versus other cloud models, businesses cede some direct control over aspects like:

  • Physical hardware, servers, and data center access.
  • Lower-level infrastructure maintenance and patching.
  • Certain networking and storage configurations.

This requires trusting the provider's capabilities and reliability.

To mitigate these risks, businesses should thoroughly evaluate providers, pilot migrations, enforce strong governance, and leverage managed services where beneficial. With proper planning and oversight, businesses can overcome adoption hurdles.

Strategies for Successful IaaS Implementation

Follow these best practices when implementing Infrastructure as a Service:

Assess Workload Suitability

Not all workloads benefit from migration to the cloud. Assess each based on the following:

  • Security, compliance, and regulatory requirements.
  • Dependencies on legacy technologies or hardware.
  • Cost-benefit analysis of migrating vs. refactoring or re-platforming.
  • Whether benefits of cloud-native capabilities are required.

This analysis helps create a migration roadmap and target workloads with maximum benefit.

Research Providers Thoroughly

When evaluating IaaS providers, investigate:

  • Breadth and depth of services - computing, storage, networking, databases, analytics, etc.
  • Pricing models - discounts, reserved instances, spot pricing, etc.
  • Management capabilities - dashboards, automation tools, APIs, integrations.
  • Reliability and performance track record.
  • Security and compliance controls, certifications, and reporting.
  • Options for hybrid cloud, multi-cloud, and migration support.

Shortlist providers that best fit technical, functional, and budget needs.

Validate with Proofs of Concept

Conduct small-scale proofs of concept to validate key aspects, like:

  • Migrating sample workloads performantly.
  • Integration with existing tooling and processes.
  • Ability to monitor, manage, and optimize costs.
  • Security controls and compliance reporting.
  • Reliability and customer support responsiveness.

These pilots reduce risk and validate capabilities before full migration.

Develop Governance Rules and Processes

To ensure control, optimize costs, and manage risks, develop policies and processes for:

  • Access controls, security, encryption, and compliance monitoring.
  • Utilization monitoring, rightsizing, auto-scaling, and budget alerts.
  • IT change management and DevOps workflows.
  • Employee IaaS administration training and certification.
  • Workload performance benchmarking and cloud architecture standards.

Automating governance via policy-as-code helps consistency and agility.

Leverage Automation and Infrastructure-as-Code

Automating deployment, management, and governance of infrastructure boosts agility and efficiency. Key techniques include:

  • Scripting setup of virtual servers, networks, and storage via code.
  • Containerizing applications and orchestrating with Kubernetes.
  • Automating infrastructure patching, monitoring, and scaling.
  • Using CI/CD pipelines to deploy application updates.

Robust automation unlocks scalability and frees staff for higher-value work.

Start Small, Then Standardize and Scale

An incremental approach allows lessons learned with initial workloads to inform larger rollouts. Recommended milestones:

  1. Start with 1-2 low-risk pilot applications.
  2. Standardize architectures, tools, and processes based on learnings.
  3. Progressively migrate larger workloads in waves.
  4. Expand to multiple availability zones for resilience.
  5. Enable automation for self-service access and orchestration.

This iterative strategy ensures a solid cloud foundation before broad adoption.

Consider Managed Services

As needed, leverage managed IaaS services to provide expertise and offload management:

  • Managed Kubernetes for container orchestration.
  • Serverless platforms to reduce administration.
  • Managed databases like AWS RDS or Azure SQL.
  • Managed Detection and Response for security monitoring.
  • Professional services for migration acceleration.

Managed services allow focusing on business-differentiating work rather than infrastructure.


IaaS offers businesses an agile, resilient, and cost-effective infrastructure foundation for the digital age. To fully benefit, businesses should take a strategic approach addressing security, spend management, and migration planning. 

With rigorous evaluation of provider options, governance practices, automation, and managed services, businesses can modernize their infrastructure with Infrastructure as a Service to enable innovation and growth. Migrating infrastructure is a major endeavor, so a thoughtful, staged approach is recommended. However, with diligent execution, IaaS can transform business infrastructure to be scalable, robust, and future-ready.

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